Solid Liquid, 2016
The Situation Room
Los Angeles, CA
Solid Liquid (2017) is a site-specific solo exhibition installed at the Los Angeles
project space The Situation Room. The show featured four custom
fabricated vitrines filled
with agar, light sensitive coated
photography paper, and mixed
food material -including eel, squid, octopus, catfish, olive
oil, beeswax, quail eggs, etc.
The work deteriorated over a six week viewing period,
generating alternative images
and propagating mold and
bacteria. These “photographs”
varied daily, revealing the
artworks as uncontrollably
directed by nonhuman agents.
Solid Liquid, 2016
(installation view)
Day 14
Large Octopuses, Catfish Head, Cyanotype, Beryl Yellow Photo Oil,
Fire Opal Orange Photo Oil, Bleach, Hydrogen Peroxide, Beeswax, Quail Egg, Olive Oil
36” x 46”
Day 6
Day 1 & Day 20
Black Inkodye, Moonfish, Egg, Beeswax, Olive Oil
16” x 18”
Day 1
Squid, Egg, Cyanotype, Tanzanite Blue Photo Oil, Coffee, Beeswax, Olive Oil
30” x 30”
Day 14